Commercial Insurance Claims

Navigating the complex landscape of commercial insurance requires a tailored approach, with businesses often combining various policies to create a comprehensive risk management strategy. In an ever-changing business environment, these insurance policies provide a safety net, allowing companies to focus on growth and innovation while minimizing the impact of unforeseen events. 

In Florida, where the risk of natural disasters is prevalent, businesses should be proactive in understanding their commercial insurance policies and be prepared to act swiftly in the event of a claim. Early and thorough documentation, cooperation with the insurance provider, and understanding the claims process are key elements in ensuring a successful resolution and swift recovery for your business. 

At the Law Office of Ryan S. Hutson, PA, we help business both large and small businesses in creating comprehensive strategies for commercial success.  Part of that strategy often consists of obtaining the proper insurance coverage for the client's needs.  With a well reviewed commercial insurance policy, you can be ensured your business is minimizing their risks.

However, we are often contacted by clients who obtained commercial insurance on their own and are now having trouble getting their claim resolved to their satisfaction.  If you or your business suffer a loss that you believe is covered by your commercial insurance, there are a number of steps you can take to safeguard evidence and streamline the claim:

1. Contact Your Insurance Provider Immediately:

The moment you discover any damage or loss covered by your commercial insurance policy, contact your insurance provider promptly. Most insurance companies have a 24/7 claims hotline to report incidents. Early communication is crucial in initiating the claims process and expediting assistance.

2. Document the Damage:

Before making any repairs or cleanup efforts, thoroughly document the damage. Take clear photographs and videos of the affected areas, capturing the extent of the loss. This visual evidence will serve as crucial documentation for your claim.

3. Review Your Policy:

Familiarize yourself with the specifics of your commercial insurance policy. Understand the coverage limits, deductibles, and any exclusions. This knowledge will help you manage expectations and streamline the claims process.

4. Gather Relevant Information:

Collect all relevant information related to the incident, including the date, time, and cause of the damage. If applicable, gather contact information for any witnesses. This detailed information will support your claim and expedite the assessment process.

5. File a Police Report (if necessary):

In cases of theft, vandalism, or criminal activity, file a police report. This official documentation adds credibility to your claim and may be required by your insurance provider.

6. Mitigate Further Damage:

Take reasonable steps to prevent further damage to your property. This might include temporary repairs or securing the premises. Keep records of any expenses incurred during this mitigation process, as they may be eligible for reimbursement.

7. Engage Professional Assessors:

For complex or extensive damages, consider hiring professionals like public adjusters or damage assessors. Their expertise can help ensure that you identify all relevant damages and provide accurate estimates for repairs, strengthening your claim.

8. File a Sworn Proof of Loss:

Your insurance company may require you to submit a sworn proof of loss, a formal statement detailing the extent of the damages and the value of the lost property. Be thorough and accurate in this document, as it serves as a basis for the settlement.

9. Cooperate with the Claims Adjuster:

Your insurance provider will likely send a claims adjuster to assess the damage. Cooperate fully during their inspection, providing all necessary documentation and information. Their evaluation will influence the final settlement.

10. Stay Informed and Communicate:

Throughout the claims process, stay in regular communication with your insurance provider. Stay informed about the status of your claim, and don't hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification.

11. Review the Settlement Offer:

Once the claims process is complete, carefully review the settlement offer provided by your insurance company. Ensure that it adequately covers your losses and aligns with the terms of your policy.

12. Appeal if Necessary:

If you believe the settlement offer is insufficient, discuss your concerns with your insurance company. You may have the option to appeal the decision or negotiate for a more favorable resolution.

13. Legal Assistance (if required):

If disputes persist, consult legal counsel specializing in insurance claims. An attorney can provide guidance on your rights and help navigate any legal complexities.  Contact our office today with any questions regarding your commercial insurance claim!